Family Peer Supporter
Family Peer Support - Link to OMHAS Information
A Certified Family Peer Supporter (CFPS) is an individual who has self-identified as the caregiver of a person with behavioral health challenges; and who has navigated the service systems for at least one year on behalf of the person. A caregiver may include a birth parent, adoptive parent, foster parent, legal guardian/custodian, or a person chosen by the family or youth to have the role of primary caregiver. CFPS support an individual’s or family’s ability to address needs, navigate systems and promote recovery, resiliency, and wellness. They promote services that are family driven, youth guided, trauma-informed, and culturally competent. A CFPS can provide both basic and intensive family support services and participate as an active member of treatment teams in a variety of settings.
General Questions?
Contact: The OhioMHAS Youth and Family Peer Support Team
NAMI Ohio Family Peer Support Training Contact: Tamisha McKenzie
(614) 224-2700
FREDLA Parent Peer Support Practice Model Curriculum: Wren Hawkins
Upcoming NAMI Ohio Family Peer Supporter 2022 Training Dates
June 7th -9th and 20th-21st (Cuyahoga County)
July 12th -14th and 25th-26th (Ross County)
August 9th -11th and 22nd-23rd (Butler County)
September 13th -15th and 26th -27th (Athens County)
October 11th -13th and 24th-25th (Location TBD)
November 29th-December 1st and December 12th -13th (Location TBD)
NAMI Ohio Family Peer Supporter Training Registration Form:
Upcoming FREDLA Family Peer Supporter 2022 Training Dates
Hybrid FREDLA Parent Peer Support Provider Practice Model Training6/27/22 – 7/1/22, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM131 N Main St Suite A, Marysville, OH 43040
Register Here
Virtual FREDLA Parent Peer Support Provider Practice Model Training8/1/22 – 8/5/22, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PMZoom
Register Here
Virtual FREDLA Parent Peer Support Provider Practice Model Training10/3/22 – 10/7/22, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PMZoom