
Peer Recovery Supporters is an all-inclusive term consisting of peer specialists, recovery coaches, and peer supporters. In order to have a formal certification, individuals delivering peer services needed to have one title for consistency. Peer Recovery Supporter was chosen as it represents the three largest sections of the current peer workforce.

OMHAS Adult Peer Recovery Supporter page: https://mha.ohio.gov/community-partners/peer-supporters/become-an-adult-peer-supporter

A Certified Family Peer Supporter (CFPS) is someone who self-identifies as the caregiver of an individual with behavioral health challenges (mental health/substance use disorder); and who has navigated service systems for at least one year on behalf of the individual.

OMAHS Family Peer Supporter page: https://mha.ohio.gov/community-partners/peer-supporters/become-a-family-peer-supporter

A Certified Youth Peer Supporter (CFPS) is someone who has direct lived experience with behavioral health challenges (mental health/substance use disorder) and who is between the ages of 18-30.

OMAHS Youth Peer Support page: https://mha.ohio.gov/community-partners/peer-supporters/become-a-youth-peer-supporter